We offer a full range of medical services plus full maternity services.
Antenatal Clinic
Your GP will check your blood pressure and you will be able to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your pregnancy. Please bring a urine sample to every antenatal appointment.
Child Health
A drop-in Well Baby Clinic is held on Thursdays between 09:30 – 11:30 with the health visitor. Please ask at reception for more information.
It is important to get your child vaccinated please speak to your GP, health visitor, practice nurse if you have any concerns.
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Management Clinics
The Practice runs a number of special clinics for specific services, including:
- Diabetes Clinic
- Asthma Clinic
- Cervical Smears
- Minor Surgery Clinic
- Heart Disease
- Travel Advice
All these clinics are by appointment. To book an appointment please contact reception.
Mental Health Services
The following staff attend the surgery:
- Mental Health Trainers twice weekly
- Counsellor (drugs)
Please contact the doctors if you feel you would like an appointment with one of the above Counsellor.
Flu clinics
Influenza vaccination is recommended for at risk groups, those aged 65 and over and those suffering from chronic disease including heart, lung and diabetes. Please contact the reception staff for the influenza vaccination appointment in October.
Travel Vaccinations
If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you need to complete the travel health questionnaire available from surgery reception and make an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss your travel arrangements.This will include which countries and areas within countries that you are visiting to determine what vaccinations are required. You can also complete the online form here.
It is important to make this initial appointment as early as possible – at least 6 weeks before you travel.
Some travel vaccines such as malaria tablets are ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge. This is because not all travel vaccinations are included in the services provided by the NHS.